- Despite being a widespread practice, cotton buds should not be used for cleaning of the ears , as just pushing the wax inside the auditory canal can cause hearing loss and pain. For adequate cleaning of the ears use only the tip of the towel soon after a bath and never introduce sharp objects (keys, hair clips) into the ears. These objects can also cause small wounds to the external auditory canal, infections or rupture the membrane of the eardrum.  Do not even use them to scratch the auditory tube.

- Very important care is needed regarding sound. Avoid staying close to loud sound sources, for example, sound trucks, sirens, fireworks, loudspeakers at shows, as they can cause irreversible auditory loss.

- Avoid using head phones, because you can develop auditory loss or worsen an already existing illness.

- In case of frequent contact to intense noises, periodically take an audiometry examination (examination that measures the auditory capacity) and if possible use ear protectors.

- Earache is a very common complaint in the winter. In these cases the first thing to be done is to use hot compresses. If the symptoms persist, see a doctor for a more detailed evaluation.

- Do not it use either homemade solutions or medicines in the ear, for example, oils, candle wax or any other substance.

- Do not wash in the ear without medical indication and advice.

- In case of infection or perforation of the eardrum, do not wet the ear in any way.

- Double the care with children, in the matter of small objects, pieces of toys, among others, as they can easily put them in the ear, nose or mouth.

- Stay aware and attentive if you have an imperfect occlusion (locking) of the dental bridge, because that can provoke pain in the ear and lead to problems with temporomandibular articulation.

- Avoid medical drops without your doctor’s advice.

- On the first sign of auditory difficulty, pain or discomfort, see a reliable doctor.

- Noise in the ear, also called tinnitus, is one of the most common complaints, mainly in the elderly and it can be one of the signs of hearing loss. If this symptom occurs seek a specialist doctor for evaluation.


- Talk with your child even when they are a baby, as this will stimulate the use of the lips and tongue;

- Always greet him by using his name;

- Sing him to sleep;

- When giving a bath, changing diapers or feeding him always say what you are doing;

- Read and tell stories to him, to stimulate intelligence and creativity. Show him the illustrations from the children’s book that you are reading or use small puppets.

- Delays in language development, lack of attention and bad performance at school can be indicative of auditory problems.


If you have some type of disease of the labyrinth, seek an Otorhinoloaryngologists doctor and together with the suggested treatment use the following advice:

- Reduce the consumption of foodstuffs that contain caffeine (coffee, soft drinks with cola, leaf tea, black tea and chocolate), guaraná, seasonings and canned food.

- Avoid prolonged periods without eating (more than 3 hours).

- Eat slowly and chew food well.

- Avoid fried and fatty foods, salt and sugar in excess, alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.

- Avoid inactivity, ask your doctor for advice about the appropriate physical exercises for you.

- And above all do not take medicines without medical advice.


- Check that the brand being sold is dependable and the product itself is registered with the Department of the Health.

- Question if the company where the prosthesis is being bought is trustworthy, because a lot of damage results from the lack of a good reputable company. It is very important to pay attention to this detail, as this will ensure that you will have the required technical assistance if the prosthesis has some defect.

- Ask for information about the guarantee of the prosthesis, which items are the covered, length of guarantee, etc.  Always read the guarantee certificate.

- Never allow your prosthesis to enter in contact with water, sweat or any kind of humidity and remember to remove it before taking a bath, going to the swimming pool, the sea, etc.
- Always take good care that the prosthesis does not fall on the ground.

- Do not leave it exposed to sunlight or high temperatures.

- Remember to always remove the prosthesis before sleeping. Turn it off and take out the batteries to prevent damage.

- Clean the prosthesis daily with a tissue or dry cloth. Never use alcohol or others cleaning products.

- Observe the way you listen using the prosthesis in different situations: At home, watching television, at church, at school, etc.  Remember that this information will be very important so that the auditory device can be regulated in the best possible way.

- When not using the prosthesis, keep it in the box and leave it out of reach of children and domestic animals,

- Take your prosthesis to the place you purchased it once a year for a general revision and cleaning.

- In case of doubt, contact the doctor that recommended the prosthesis and follow the instructions that he recommends.


- Speak without shouting and without force.

- Avoid clearing the throat and coughing hard.

- Pronounce words properly.

- Avoid very hot or cold food.

- Avoid talking while practicing physical sports.

- Don’t whisper.

- Avoid tight clothes in the waist and neck.

- Avoid conversations in noisy environments (to save the voice).

- Drink 2 liters of water daily

- Voice complaints: Hoarseness, vocal fatigue and pain when talking. They can occur as much in adults and children as in voice professionals (professors, telemarketing, and singers). To clarify the diagnosis a specialized evaluation should be done, that can include examinations.

- All and any complaints of throat and/or voice (such as pain, vocal fatigue or hoarseness) with duration of more of 15 days should be evaluated by an Otorhinolaryngologist.


- A blocked nose can signify enlarged adenoids, allergic rhinitis, deviated nasal septum or some another change. Non-treatment of this nasal obstruction can cause sleep disturbances, such as snoring and apnea, deformities of dental bridge or in more serious cases thoracic deformities and increase in the size of the heart. In the large majority of cases the clinical or surgical treatment can resolve the problem.

- Small children with a blocked nose and nasal secretion with a bad smell in one side of the nose may represent some trapped object or grain that is obstructing breathing and may cause infection.


- For babies, maternal breast-feeding is very important to protect the body of the infant, given that its composition has a large amount of antibodies.

- Mattress and pillows should be entirely foam and covered with an impermeable material, in order to prevent mites form having contact with the nose and consequently with the allergic respiratory system. It is recommended to change the cover every 3 weeks, due to shedding of the skin that accumulates in the mattress and pillows which provides food for the mites (insect that provokes allergy).

- Avoid dampness and humidity in the whole house.

- Change the bedding weekly and if possible wash them at temperatures over 55° C. Avoid the use of products that soften or aid ironing of clothes.

- Preferably use eiderdowns.

- Avoid the use of brooms or dusters; clean the room and home with a damp cloth daily, preferably without any other product mixed in the water.

- Remove all objects that can accumulate dust from the room such as books, magazines, plush toys, etc.

- Preferably use wooden or ceramic floors, in the place of carpets or rugs, as these are important nesting places for mites and also avoid fabric curtains instead using blinds.

- Perfumes, insecticides, waxes, deodorants, ink or any another product that have a very strong odour should be avoided.

- Avoids the use of vaporizers, air conditioning or devices that humidify the air.

- Avoid animals in the home. If this is not possible, they should be washed at least once a week and must not, under any circumstance, remain in the bedroom. The most appropriate pets for allergic children are fish and turtles.

- Smoking should be avoided, both on the part of the allergic person, and of their relatives, mainly inside the house.

- There are various types of treatment for Rhinitis; the best suggestion is to seek an Otorhinoloaryngologist who will determine which the best treatment is according to each case.


- The daily consumption of a large quantity of liquid is recommended – at least 2 liters of water – as it facilitates the elimination of secretions accumulated in the sinuses.

- Avoid chilly places, devices that dry out the air which favor the drying up of the nasal mucous, complicating the elimination of the secretions.

- Treating allergies can also help to avoid the development of Rhinosinusitis.

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