Main surgeries carried out at the IPO Hospital and the purpose of each one of them.

It is important to remember that surgery is only carried out as a last resort. Only after all possible treatments have been performed, but were not as successful as expected, are surgical procedures indicated to achieve a cure or at least a considerable improvement in the person’s quality of life.


Surgery performed to remove the adenoid and the palatal tonsils.


Surgery performed to remove the adenoid.


Surgery for the treatment of repetitive tonsillitis, where the tonsils are removed.


Performed for the treatment of Otosclerosis that leads to the fixation (hardening) of the stapes (bone located in the middle ear). During surgery the impaired stapes is replaced by a similar shaped prosthesis.

Cochlear Implant

Surgery where an electrode is implanted (a "chip" close to the auditory nerve) for hearing recovery in the cases of total bilateral deafness. It is mainly indicated for children who were born with total deafness or adults who have had recent hearing lose. All cases of deafness are evaluated by audiological exams and phonological evaluation, in order to decide which implant is recommended.


Laryngectomy is carried out for the partial removal of the larynx, mainly due to tumors.

Total Laryngectomy

In Total Laryngectomy the complete removal of the larynx occurs, however the communication function can be preserved, through the development of esophageal speech or the Bloom-Singer speech valve.

Microsurgery of the Larynx

Surgery to remove polyps, nodules (calluses) from the vocal chords.


Surgery to remove nasal polyps.

Nasal Fracture Reduction

This surgical procedure is appropriate for the correction of functional and esthetic problems caused by a nasal fracture.


Consists of the alignment and/or centralization of the nasal septum through resectioning (removal) of misaligned or excessive bone.

Sinusotomy, Ethmoidectomy and Antrostomy

Surgeries carried out in the region of the sinuses with the objective of unblocking drainage orifice secretions allowing better breathing and helping in the treatment of diseases such as Sinusitis, among others.


Surgery for the treatment of Cholesteatoma, stopping its growth.


Surgery performed to reconstruct a perforated tympanic membrane. This perforation mainly happens when the person repeatedly exhibits Otitis media and because some infections were not treated correctly.

Tympanotomy (placement of a ventilation tube)

Performed when the person has serous media Otitis, which provokes the accumulation of secretions inside the middle ear. The surgery consists of the placement of ventilation tube (a prosthesis in format of a tube that links the middle ear to the outer ear) allowing pressure equilibrium inside and outside the middle ear. This surgery is mainly performed on children, who frequently have Otitis media.


Reduces the excessive size of nasal turbinates.


Surgery performed for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea (short pauses in breathing).

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